Témy na štátne jazykové skúšky z anglického jazyka
Základná štátna jazyková skúška
Konverzačné témy
- Family
- Mass media, Source of Information, Education and Entertainment
- Hobbies, Leisure Activities
- Shopping, Supermarkets, Department Stores
- Holidays
- Jobs, My Work, CV
- Travelling, Means of Transport
- Food, Hotels, Restaurants
- Human Body, Diseases, At the Doctor´s
- Fashion
- Housing
- Engagements, Weddings and Customs
- Country Life and City Life
- Sports
- Ways of Communication
Témy z reálií
1. Some Facts about Canada
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
2. Some Facts about Britain
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
3. London
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
4. Some Facts about Australia
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
5. Some Facts about Ireland
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
6. Some Facts about the USA
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
7. New York
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
8. Bratislava
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
9. The Slovak Town I Like Best of All (except Bratislava)
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
10. Some Facts About Slovakia
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
11. Washington
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
12. New Zealand
a) Physical Background
b) Population
c) Economy and Industry
13. Education in Slovakia
a) Pre-school education
b) Primary education
c) Secondary education
d) Universities
14. Education in Great Britain
a) Pre-school education
b) Primary education
c) Secondary education
d) Universities
15. The Most Importatnt British Towns (except London)
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
Všeobecná štátna jazyková skúška
Konverzačné témy
- Theatres, Cinemas, Concerts, and Other Cultural Events
- Going on Holidays
- Pollution, Environmental Problems
- Shopping, Family Budget
- Human Body, Diseases, At the Doctor`s
- Sports in Slovakia, Great Britain, the U.S.A
- Weather, Climatic Conditions and Changes
- Means of Transport
- Mass Media
- Family, Family Life, Human Relations
- Ways of Communication
- Hotel Services, Restaurants, Eating Out
- The Natural Beauties in Slovakia, Spas, Tourist Industry
- Problems of Modern Age, Criminality, Drugs and Alcoholism
- Getting a Job, Problems of Unemployment
- Pleasures of Gardening
- Food, Nutrition, Eating Habits, Vegetarianism and Other Diets
- Necessity of Studying Foreign Languages
- Fashion
- The Modern-Day Life, Science and Technology
Ku každej konverzačnej téme je pracovný panel s úlohami.
Úlohy môžu zahŕňať porovnanie obrázkov, vymyslenie príbehu, vysvetlenie slov opisom, prácu s textom, riešenie problému a pod.
Témy z reálií
1. The System of the British Government
a) Characterization
b) The Branches
c) The Head
d) Political Parties
2. The System of Education in Slovakia and Great Britain, Private Education
a) Pre-school education
b) Primary education
c) Secondary education
d) Universities
e) Examinations, Testing, Certificates, Further Education
3. The Geography of Ireland
a) Physical Background
b) Population and History
c) Economy
d) Natural Resources and Industry
4. The Geography of the USA
a) Physical Background
b) Population and History
c) Economy
d) Natural Resources and Industry
5. The Geography of Great Britain
a) Physical Background
b) Population and History
c) Economy
d) Natural Resources and Industry
6. The System of Government in the USA
a) Characterization
b) The Branches
c) The Head
d) Political Parties
7. The History of Great Britain – until 1066
a) The Celts
b) The Romans
c) The Anglo-Saxons
d) The Vikings
8. London
a) Location and Population
b) History
c) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
d) Transport and Tourism
9. The Geography of Australia
a) Physical Background
b) Flora and Fauna
c) Population
d) Economy
e) Natural Resources and Industry
10. The History of the USA
a) Columbus and Settlement
b) War of Independence
c) Civil War – War between the States
d) World Wars
e) Cold War
11. Bratislava and Other Slovak Towns
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
c) Tourism and Economy
12. The Geography of Canada
a) Physical Background
b) Population and History
c) Economy
d) Natural Resources and Industry
13. Social Security System, Old Age, Pensions
a) Welfare State
b) Allowances and Benefits
c) Retirement
14. New York, Washington and Other American Towns
a) Location
b) Historical Sights and Places of Interest
c) Tourism and Economy
15. The Geography of New Zealand
a) Physical Background
b) Flora and Fauna
c) Population
d) Economy
e) Natural Resources and Industry
16. The History of Great Britain – from 1066 until 1660
a) The Normans
b) Hundred Years‘ War
c) The Tudors
d) Civil War
17. The History of Great Britain – from 1660 up to present
a) Restoration
b) The Victorian Period/Era
c) World War I
d) World War II
18. The Geography of Slovakia
a) Physical Background
b) Population and History
c) Economy
d) Natural Resources and Industry
19. Housing in Slovakia and Great Britain
a) Traditional Housing
b) Town and the Country
c) Differences and Preferences
20. Holidays and Other Notable Days in English-speaking Countries
a) Bank Holidays
b) Memorable Days
c) Other Holidays
Zoznam literárnych diel anglických a amerických autorov
Anglická literatúra
- Geoffrey Chaucer: Canterburské poviedky (Canterbury Tales)
- William Shekespeare: Hamlet, Skrotenie zlej ženy (Hamlet + The Taming of the Shrew)
- Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe
- Jane Austen: Pýcha a predsudok (Pride and Prejudice)
- Charlotte Brontë: Jana Eyrová (Jane Eyre) / Emily Brontë: Búrlivé výšiny (Wuthering Heights)
- George Gordon Lord Byron: Childe Haroldova púť / Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
- Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist
- Oscar Wilde: Obraz Doriana Graya (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
- George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion
- George Orwell: Farma zvierat (Animal Farm)
- Graham Greene: Moc a sláva The Power and the Glory
- Kingsley Amis: Šťastný Jim (Lucky Jim)
Americká literatúra
- Nathaniel Hawthorne: Šarlátové písmeno (The Scarlet Letter)
- Edgar Allan Poe: Jama a kyvadlo (The Pit and the Pendulum)
- Herman Melville: Moby Dick
- Mark Twain: Dobrodružstvá Huckleberryho Finna (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)
- Jack London: Volanie divočiny (The Call of the Wild)
- Theodore Dreiser: Americká tragédia (An American Tragedy)
- Francis Scott Fitzgerald: Veľký Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
- Ernest Hemingway: Zbohom zbraniam ( A Farewell to Arms)
- Jerome David Salinger: Kto chytá v žite (The Catcher in the Rye)
- Joseph Heller: Hlava 22 (Catch 22)
- William Styron: Sofiina voľba ( Sophie’s Choice)
- John Steinbeck: Na východ od raja (East of Eden)
- Jack Kerouac: Na ceste (On the Road)
- Ken Kesey: Bol som dlho preč (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)
Vyberte si jedného autora z každej skupiny autorov, spolu šesť.
Ku každému autorovi charakterizujte bližšie:
- literárne obdobie
- životopis
- ďalšie diela
- vybrané prečítané dielo